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Samples of our work

This page contains just a few of the newsletter projects R&G Promotions has been involved with. Some of the images are clickable and will take you to larger jpeg images.

DuPont — Exchange newsletter

This four-page, process color newsletter was designed by R&G Promotions using materials provided by DuPont's public relations agency. Some graphics were modified slightly by our staff during production, and we designed the "Exchange" nameplate on the front page. We also handled printing and distribution arrangements for the finished product. R&G Promotions is available on a contractual basis to work with your in-house staff or regular agency to produce similar design projects.

Ironhouse Sanitary District — Insider newsletter

The client desired a newsletter to help educate the public about its services and to put a human face on the employees that keep the district running. R&G Promotions consulted with the client during the initial design process, assisting in story planning and photography. We provided some writing in addition to editing on written materials provided by the client. We developed the Ironhouse logo that appears in the front page banner and on the back page mailing panel, as well as the locator maps. Additional graphics were adopted from stock clip art.

Delta Memorial Hosptial Foundation — Newsletter

The client is a nonprofit charitable organization with a goal of raising money for its works through donations from community supporters. The goal was to provide an affordable, full-color quarterly newsletter that could be produced in small quantities to mail to selected recipients. R&G Promotions worked with articles provided by the client's project director and added modified stock graphics to produce a simple yet elegant two-page newsletter. A high-resolution color master was used to produce color photocopies that could be distributed as needed at reasonable cost.

Oakley Chamber of Commerce — Business Update newsletter

Sometimes black and white says it best. Just because a client cannot justify the extra expense associated with process color printing does not mean that a newsletter has to lack spark. The client decided that the four-page newsletter it had produced for more than a decade needed to be redesigned and expanded to better serve the needs of a growing, changing membership. R&G Promotions developed a new look for the monthly, eight-page publication, worked to develop story ideas and produced the finished articles. Printing is done on a standard photocopier to keep production costs low for this short-run publication.Lake Alhambra Property Owners Association — Reflections newsletter

The client produces a quarterly four-page newsletter for its members featuring contributed articles and photos. R&G Promotions redesigned the layout to present a more modern image and better packaging of the content. The newsletter is designed to be produced in either color or black and white using standard photocopiers.

Oakley Almond Festival — Program guide

Since 1990, R&G Promotions has produced the official program guide for this annual celebration of almonds and local history. The program's size and format change almost yearly; it has ranged from 12 to 24 pages and has been produced on both offset web press and standard web press using everything from 20lb. book stock to inexpensive newsprint. The cover is usually done in spot color with the inside pages in black and white. Program guides, which tend to be long, involved projects, are an R&G Promotions specialty.